Thursday, July 25, 2024



26th July, 2024




The Katsina State chapter of the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has given kudos to the government of Katsina State for granting  4 months and 10 days leave to widows in Katsina State in line with Islamic principles.


In a statement issued on Friday 26th July, 2024 by the chairman of the Sokoto State chapter of the organization, Dr. Muhammad Mansur Aliyu Esq, MURIC expressed pleasure at the development. 


He said:


"We at MURIC have received with great pleasure the news published by national dailies about the widows leave of 4 months and 10 days approved for widows in Katsina State.


"According to the report, the leave was approved sequel to a motion passed by the Katsina State House of Assembly requesting the executive arm to issue a circular granting 4 months and 10 days leave (the period prescribed in Islam for widows to stay at home, also known as Iddah period, Qur’an 2 verse 234). 


"A memo was reportedly presented before the Katsina State Executive Council to that effect; and the Council approved it and issued a circular to all ministries, departments and agencies in the State to grant their female staff chance to observe the 4 months 10 days Iddah period. 


"As a result of this, widows in Katsina State can now enjoy their Allah-given fundamental human right in widowhood. (


It will be recalled that the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) had in a press statement captioned ‘Give Widows Four and Half Months Leave’ issued on 12th January, 2024 asked the federal government to approve 4 and a half months leave for widow-employees across the federation. This is to enable them to recover and compose themselves after the demise of their husbands (


"MURIC commends the Katsina State House of Assembly for paying heed to its demand by initiating the process. MURIC also commends the Katsina State Executive Council and the governor in particular for approving the 4 months and 10 days leave for widows in the state.


"We urge the Federal Government and other state governments to emulate Katsina State government by granting the said leave for widows in order to ameliorate the predicament of widows nationwide regarding the way they are treated by their employers immediately after their husbands die."





Dr. Muhammad Mansur Aliyu Esq.


Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)

Sokoto State Branch.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024



25th July, 2024



A new movie trending in Nigeria shows women in purdah brandishing dangerous weapons, robbing banks and committing other crimes. The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has therefore called for an immediate ban on the film. The group said it depicts Muslim women as criminals and incites the public against them. 

The call was contained in a press statement issued on Thursday, 25th July, 2024 by the Executive Director of the Muslim Rights Concern, Professor Ishaq Akintola.

The full statement reads:

"An extremely anti-Muslim film has been released into the Nigerian movie industry. The upcoming film which was recently unveiled by Nancy Isime shows women in purdah brandishing dangerous weapons and robbing banks ( It is Islamophobia taken to the highest level. This film is satanic, repugnant and provocative. 

"It is aimed at portraying Muslim women as criminals with a violent proclivity. The film is capable of inciting the public against Muslim women. It may also expose Muslims in general to public ridicule and opprobrium.

"We believe that the film is the handiwork of Muslim-haters and part of the plot to stop Muslim women from wearing hijab and niqab. The plot was hatched a long time ago and its execution began in the schools. This plot was boldly and dilligently confronted in Nigerian courts by Muslims until the highest court in the land made a pronouncement on it. This Satanic film is the latest effort in the war against hijab. 

"This hate film is capable of setting Nigeria on fire if urgent action is not taken by the relevant authorities. We therefore call on the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) to investigate and place an immediate ban on the coming film. 

"To Nigerian Muslims who have inundated our communication channels with the video clips, voice notes and other types of messages, we have this to say: please remain calm and peaceful. You have spoken loud and clear. We have received your messages and action is being taken right now. Our religion brought a message of hope and peace to the world. We will not allow anyone to paint our women, our mothers, our wives, our daughters and sisters in the colours of Shaytan. Be good ambassadors of Islam. Don't take the law into your hands. Allow the authorities to take necessary action."



Professor Ishaq Akintola, 

Founder/Executive Director,

Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC).



Tuesday, July 23, 2024



23rd July, 2024




The Oyo State Universal Basic Education Board, Ibadan has slated one of its Computer-Based Tests (CBT) for Friday, 26th July, 2024. However, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has kicked against the Friday exercise. The group argued that holding the test on Friday will deprive Muslims of the opportunity of participating in the exercise. It therefore suggested that the test be shifted to Saturday, 27th July, 2024 or any other day next week.


MURIC’s intervention came through a press statement issued on Tuesday, 23rd July, 2024 by its Executive Director, Professor Ishaq Akintola.


He said:


“A Computer-Based Test (CBT) has been slated for Friday, 26th July, 2024 by the Oyo State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB), Ibadan.


“This schedule is not convenient for Muslim candidates because they have to attend the Jumu’ah prayer on that day. Although (according to a statement on social media) the head of SUBEB in Oyo State has reportedly promised to allow the Muslims to go on break for Jumu’ah prayer on that day, we believe that this is practically impossible and therefore not advisable. SUBEB is putting the fate of Muslim candidates at risk.


“We are in possession of a video clip showing the mammoth crowd of candidates who came for the CBT exercise yesterday, Monday, 22nd July 2024. The clip revealed about four extremely long queues which extended from the screening centre, spread around SUBEB compound and went on to the main road for more than a hundred meters.


“The unusually long queue can be attributed to the high rate of unemployment in the state and it is doubted if SUBEB can attend to all those candidates before the end of yesterday. There is bound to be spill-overs which may necessitate adding reservations to the next schedule.


“The Friday exercise is most likely to be affected as a result of the unexpectedly large turnout. It may make the exercise cumbersome on Friday thereby making it impossible for SUBEB to fulfil its promise to allow Muslim candidates to take a break for Jumu’ah prayer.


“In any case, taking a break from the venue of a test to go for prayers is not in the best interest of candidates. Examinations, tests and interviews are known to generate tension in candidates. That is why a serene atmosphere must be created by the organisers. This is the global best practice.


“Neither should the candidates be made to walk or run up and down before the exercise. But a situation in which Muslim candidates are made to take a break to run to the mosque and rush back negates these requirements. Candidates who are expected to sit down calmly cannot be wondering outside the CBT centre.


“The arrangement suggested by SUBEB puts Muslim candidates at risk. They cannot perform well due to the tension generated while running to the mosque. This arrangement puts Muslim candidates in serious disadvantage when compared with Christian candidates who sit calmly at the centre. It is just not conducive for muslims.


“We therefore reject this arrangement. Instead, we suggest that the Friday exercise should be shifted to the next day, Saturday, 27th July, 2024 or any other day next week.


“Anyone who argues that we should not bring religion into official matters should tell SUBEB and other institutions and agencies who are fond of fixing programmes on Fridays to use both Friday and Sunday morning for such events at least for some semblance of balance.


“Muslims will stop complaining if organisers of examinations, tests, meetings, etc can fix such events on Sunday mornings when Christians are expected to go to the church. It is then that non-Muslims will know how Muslims feel when such events are slated for Friday afternoon. Who feels it knows it.


“Friday should have been completely left out of the exercise since about two other days have been picked for it. In view of the hullabaloo which the Friday question always generates, we expect that Nigerian public officials should have understood the Muslims by now and avoided fixing programmes on Fridays in its entirety. If Nigeria is not ready to make Friday a work-free day, public officials should always remember how sensitive the day is to Muslims.”





Professor Ishaq Akintola, 

Founder/Executive Director,

Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC).


Sunday, July 21, 2024



22nd July, 2024




The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has declared its stand on the protest being planned over economic hardship in the country. 


In a press statement issued on Monday, 22nd July, 2024 by its Executive Director, Professor Ishaq Akintola, the human rights organization said it will not join the planned protest. MURIC said Nigerians should acknowledge various efforts being made by the Federal Government to alleviate the suffering of the masses. It therefore advised the youth to be creative and innovative instead of being docile, complacent and destructive.


The full statement reads:


"We are aware of preparations being made to protest against economic hardship in the country. Although we have made our stand known concerning inflation and the attendant hardship in the country, we must again reiterate the fact that rising prices, hunger and other forms of hardship are not restricted to Nigeria. 


"Other countries around the world are facing the same predicament and they are finding solutions to it instead of embarking on destructive protests. 


"The last #EndSARS protest was a colossal calamity as burning and looting took the central stage. Lagos bore the brunt of the damage as more than 300 brand new air-conditioned buses were burnt down by marauding hoodlums. It must not be allowed to happen again.


"Protesters forgot that government has no special property. All such properties referred to as government’s properties belong to the general public. They are owned by the citizens whose taxes were used to procure them. Any protest that targets properties is an exhibition of wastefulness, foolishness and madness.


"The trajectory of the new protest being planned has taken a similar dimension. Lagos is being targeted like before and revenge for electoral loss appears to be uppermost on the list of motives. No explanation has been given for making Lagos a main target even though the city is far away from the Nigerian capital. This gives us more than enough reason to reject the protest. It is irrational, sectional and vengeful. Count us out of it. MURIC will not partake in this protest. 


"Those who argue that MURIC must partake in this because we participated in the anti-Jonathan protest forget that the protest against Jonathan was orderly, peaceful and well coordinated. There was no burning, looting or killing. We all stayed at the Freedom Park, Ojota, Lagos and addressed the people there. Nobody was molested.  


"That is unlike the planners of this protest who burned and looted properties worth billions of naira in 2020 and 2021. In particular, properties of the present president were mercilessly destroyed in Lagos at a time when he had not even showed any intention of contesting for election. 


"MURIC will only join hands with people who want to build Nigeria. We wash our hands off rebellious subjects, enemies of peace. We have a duty to remain constant with the motto of our organization which is 'Dialogue, Not Violence'. We will not participate in burning and looting. We prefer to bring smiles on the faces of Nigerians, not pain and anguish.


“Besides, Nigerians should acknowledge various efforts being made by the Federal Government to alleviate the suffering of the masses. Government has been responsive. Palliatives in form of large numbers of trucks containing food items are being distributed regularly. Senators and members of the House of Representatives recently cut their salaries by half. The minimum wage of Nigerian workers have just been raised by more than 100% from N30,000 to N70,000.


"We therefore advise Nigerian youths not to allow anybody to deceive or use them for their selfish ends. Our youths should be creative and innovative instead of being docile and destructive.



“We recognize the right of citizens to express dissent but that does not include the right to destroy public and private properties. We advise those who wish to express their minds to engage government in dialogue and to pick designated places for their assembly and conduct themselves in orderly manner. We charge the security agencies to provide adequate security for those in peaceful assemblies in such designated places.”





Professor Ishaq Akintola, 

Founder/Executive Director,

Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC).



Friday, July 19, 2024



19th July, 2024




As the National Assembly (NASS) embarks on constitutional amendments to reform the local government system in Nigeria, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has urged the lawmakers to dig deeper by stripping state governors of the power to dethrone traditional rulers in their states. 


This position was tabled on Friday, 19th July, 2024 by the Founder and Executive Director of MURIC, Professor Ishaq Akintola.


He said:


"The National Assembly (NASS) is recently considering the amendment of the constitution to create an independent commission that will take charge of local government elections. This is a laudable move as it will engender transparency in local government elections while it sets the exercise free from interference by state governors. 


"However, MURIC is inviting the NASS to go the whole hog by rescuing traditional rulers from the present cul de sac in which the Nigerian political culture has thrown them. 


"The traditional stool has become the most unsafe, extremely unstable and categorically unreliable post in present day Nigeria. Emirs, Obas and Obis have become endangered species. They are being exploited, labeled and dumped by successive regimes at the state level. 


"No traditional ruler in the country is free from the excessive arm-twisting and tyrannical manipulations of the governors. Every state governor craves, demands and enforces the loyalty of all the traditional rulers in his state and any of the monarchs who fails to follow the governor's wishes will be labeled as disloyal. Such a traditional ruler stands the risk of being deposed and banished to the most remote village in the state.


"This is why traditional rulers under any governor try to please the latter. It is mere self-preservation method. They have no choice. It is therefore paradoxical that the governor's successor often sees the traditional ruler as a rebel particularly if the next governor is from a different political party. He seeks to punish the traditional ruler whom he met on the throne for being loyal to the former governor. They never consider the circumstances. 


"The vicious cycle continues from one regime to the other and the traditional ruler never knows when he will be kicked out. He is always at the mercy of the governor. State governors have politicized the monarchy and bastardized the traditional system. We charge the NASS to come to their rescue.


"We are not saying traditional rulers are angels. But their cane should not be in the hands of vengeful politicians. In view of the fact that the traditional system has a method for picking its candidates, we should allow that same system to constitute its own checks and balances. For instance, the kingmakers and the state council of traditional rulers are always there. These two bodies can discipline erring traditional rulers by imposing fine, suspension and even dethronement as deemed fit. 


"We therefore appeal to our honourable lawmakers in the NASS to save Nigerian traditional rulers by amending or outrightly adding new clauses in relevant sections of the constitution to fortify traditional rulers from dethronement..  


"It is only this period of constitutional amendments that this kind of reform in chieftaincy laws throughout the country can be holistically executed. No state governor can manipulate the state's legislature to change it once the NASS has passed it and the president signs it into law.


"The law will also become binding on all governors because Section 1(i,ii&iii) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria already affirms the supremacy of the constitution. It stipulates that no other law shall prevail on the constitution and that any rule, regulation, statute, etc that contravenes it shall be rendered null and void. 


"We have taken this issue to the NASS because it is cumbersome if each state is to embark on the exercise piecemeal but it can be tackled holistically once and for all from the center by having it embedded in the country's constitution. 


“It is the only way the theory of the separation of powers can effectively operate at the grassroot level. We are of the humble opinion that in our African setting, the theory, which is usually restricted to the executive, the judiciary and the legislature, should be extended further to embrace the traditional system.”





Professor Ishaq Akintola, 

Founder/Executive Director,

Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC).


Tuesday, July 16, 2024



16th July, 2024




The Federal High Court has ruled in favour of the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in a suit filed by Barrister Malcolm Omirhobo. The plaintiff had sought the removal of Arabic inscriptions from the naira.


The case which began in late 2020, was dismissed today, Tuesday, 16th July, 2024 by Justice Yellim Bogoro sitting at the Federal High Court, Ikoyi, Lagos. Reacting to the judgement immediately after the pronouncement, MURIC described it as far-reaching, profound, didactic and monumental.


The Executive Director of the organization, Professor Ishaq Akintola, who issued a statement immediately after the judgement on Tuesday, 16th July, 2024, said:


“This is sweet victory. Once again the Nigerian judiciary has demonstrated courage, intellectual excellence and jurisprudential exactitude. This judgement is far-reaching, profound, didactic and monumental.


“This case will teach Muslim-haters a lesson in tolerance and peaceful coexistence. The plaintiff, Barrister Omirhobo, went to court because he did not want to see Arabic inscriptions on naira notes anymore. We ascribed his action to sheer hatred when he sued the Central Bank in 2020 and we applied for a ‘joiner’.


“In our press statement of 16th November, 2020, We told the plaintiff, ‘Omirhobo’s approach is not only naïve, it is pedestrian and kindergarten. This suit against Arabic on naira manifests acute desertification of religious tolerance, exhibition of undiluted acrobatic religiousity, NAFDAC-registered gymnastic spirituality and Oxford cum Harvard-certificated ignorance.’ We have been vindicated.


“Muslim-haters always oppose anything that has to do with Islam or Muslims. The case has proved that we own this country together. Nobody is going anywhere for anybody. Nobody can Shugaba Nigerian Muslims from their fatherland. We love Nigeria and Nigeria will continue to accommodate both Christians and Muslims.


“Even Muslims cannot wish away the Christians. That is the Nigeria we want. We must tolerate one another. We reject a situation in which some people will seek to expel Muslims, persecute them or turn them into underdogs and second class citizens. Nigeria is for all of us. Neither shall we oppress people of other faiths. We want to live here in dignity with our heads raised up high in the air.


“MURIC will continue to defend the ideals of freedom and Allah-given fundamental human rights so that we can bequeath to our children, males and females, Muslims coming in later generations, an atmosphere devoid of fear, a climate filled with confidence, dignity and self-esteem.


“Despite attempts by our detractors to paint MURIC as a terrorist group, we will remain guided by the rule of law and we will continue to use every legitimate means available to pursue freedom for Nigerian Muslims.


“We salute our lawyers, Hassan Fajimite and Yisa Kareem, for their sacrifices and their relentlessness.”





Professor Ishaq Akintola, 

Founder/Executive Director,

Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC).


Sunday, July 14, 2024



15th July, 2024




The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has accused Governor Seyi Makinde of being in the habit of scheduling programmes on Fridays and arriving late, thereby depriving Muslims of the opportunity to observe Friday prayer. The group also alleged that Makinde retained his name on Adogba Central Mosque whereas it was not rebuilt with his personal money. It therefore asked the governor to order the removal of his name from the mosque's wall. 


The allegations were contained in a press statement issued on Monday, 15th July, 2024 by the Founder and Executive Director of the organization, Professor Ishaq Akintola. 


The full statement reads:


"Muslims who attended the coronation ceremony of the new Olubadan of Ibadan, Oba Owolabi Olakulehin on Friday, 12th July 2024 were unable to go for the Jumu'ah (Friday prayer) due to the late arrival of the state governor, Seyi Makinde. 


"Social media immediately went agog with insinuations that it was not the first time the governor would arrive late for programmes scheduled for Fridays.


"MURIC is worried that such an attitude is symptomatic of a lack of decorum for matters affecting Muslims in the state. We can cite the example of Adogba Central Mosque at Iwo Road, Ibadan, which was demolished despite pleas from Islamic organizations and Muslim leaders. 


"Governor Makinde went ahead to demolish the mosque but he promised to rebuild it. Although it was rebuilt but the governor inscribed his name boldly at the entrance. MURIC protested at the time and the government promised to remove the governor's name ( But only the name at the entrance was removed. A similar inscription is still on the wall of the mosque till today and it is visible from the road.


"These are acts of impunity. It is executive dare-devilness to take actions knowing fully well that ordinary citizens could be reprimanded for them if they did the same things. It is right for the governor’s name to be engraved on the wall as the official who declared the mosque open. But then the size cannot be more than what is called ‘2 X 2’.


“It becomes another thing when the governor’s name is placed on a big banner or sign post against the wall of the mosque. A place of worship is not the appropriate place to display wealth, power or claim ownership of. But can Makinde provide proof that he single handedly funded the mosque building? Only then can he ostentatiously brandish his name there.


"In the same vein, it is lack of respect for Muslims to keep them sitting at a programme when they should be in the mosque, particularly on a Friday. Can Seyi Makinde fix these programmes on Sundays? Can he keep bishops and pastors waiting at the venue of a programme on a Sunday morning?


"Here is one more reason for our agitation for the declaration of Friday as a work-free day in Nigeria. The absence of a work-free Friday in the country is a sign-post of inequality, imbalance and lopsidedness. Nigeria’s democracy is a fraud if Muslims are not given the same things Christians are given.


"Meanwhile we urge Governor Seyi Makinde to avoid fixing important meetings and programmes on Fridays unless such meetings or programmes do not involve Muslims at all. Muslims are always uncomfortable at such programmes. His name should also be totally removed from Adogba Mosque unless the project was personally funded by him. 


"However, it is sacrilegious to name the mosque after him, being a non-Muslim and we hope the committee running the mosque is fully aware of the eschatological implications of all these. We are all accountable to Allah for actions taken by us in this world in the Hereafter."





Professor Ishaq Akintola, 

Founder/Executive Director,

Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC).